Saturday, January 4, 2014

Good morning and welcome to Wyzdom's Wall!

Today is the 1st Saturday of 2014 and The 4th day of my blog. I'm not saying I will be posting everyday but like with almost all things new, I am excited about this addition to my experience. As you know I have been expressing myself through music; music I am writing and producing myself. I have a message to deliver, Wordz to spread, Truth to express. This aspect of my purpose flows easily (The Wordz). The production aspect is part of my current learning experience. I say this so you will more readily understand that I have invited you into my creative growth process. My songs are not "commercially ready" in the sense that current social consciousness accepts as viable art for distribution to the masses. I am creating my art and you are my witness. 

I already know that one day soon my Wordz will resonate on a much deeper level within Social Consciousness because they ring of Truth. These early versions of my music serve multiple purposes in my personal growth. Firstly it is the expression of the True I AM within me. It is my contribution to the Universe. Secondly, it reminds me to acknowledge the truth that we are ALL, at all times, in a state of expansion of our Selves and yet we are only comfortable with sharing those aspects of our expansion which hold us in the brightest lighting Social Consciousness deems acceptable. In other words we only show our best side. 

My musical talents remained hidden and buried from myself for many years as I was striving to fit in with Social Consciousness. During my Awakening of 2013 I realized that my growth process is no different than that of any other being. This is a learn as you go experience. There are no mistakes, on;y lessons; only the process of Enlightenment which brings us to Wisdom. And yet, due to the judgment of Social Consciousness, we tend to hide many aspects of our Personal Truth inside, only releasing that which has been refined enough to fit into the prescribed mold.

I say this to bring to light the fact that you are a very integral part of my musical growth experience. I am taking you along with me through my steps into Becoming my Destiny. These amateur presentations of my skill and art are tantamount to a painters sketches. They are in no way finished works because I AM in no way a finished work. 

Today I feel at peace and free enough to allow you into my growth process as it is happening and not simply after all the work has been done. This is another aspect of my Divine Purpose. I am removing the veil from my experience so that you may become comfortable enough with your own growth process to allow it to be just as important to your expression of you as the goal you strive to achieve.

So when this music does arrive to a level which can actively assist in altering Social Consciousness and raising levels of Self-Awareness and Self-Sovereignty, you can say that you were there at the beginning. You are a part of history in the making and you can take a portion of this beginning with you through these recordings of my rehearsal sessions. 

Not only that, you can give feedback to help me mold my craft. We are all connected and represent mirrors for one another. 

Love & Light,


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